Let's Get Lost In The Woods by Tara Reed for Riley Blake Designs
From the designer: I never fully appreciated the woods until I moved to the Pacific Northwest until I moved there in my early 20's. Growing up in PA I couldn't believe how TALL the evergreens were in Oregon and would just stare up at them in amazement. While I'll admit I feel more at home with a paint brush in my hand than hiking boots on my feet I do love a beautiful trail through the woods, the sound of a babbling brook and the sunlight peeking through the forest canopy. I am happy in the moss covered trees near the Oregon Coast or by the waterfalls in the gorge. Some days I just need to get lost in the woods to get a fresh perspective and come home feeling more creative than when I left. Can't wait to see what you create with this - and get lost in your sewing!
36" x 43"
*Quilters Cotton